/* Google Webmaster Tools - Verify a Site */ Epiphany Suit - Augmented Reality/Technological Singularity: Enhance your Google Search with CustomizeGoogle, Feedly and SearchCloudlet

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Enhance your Google Search with CustomizeGoogle, Feedly and SearchCloudlet

Notice, in this image, three sections, that occur before the actual results of the Google search...
  • The first section, "Try your search on" is from an add-on called CustomizeGoogle*.
  • The second, "Explore Feedly for...", is from an add-on called Feedly.
  • The third section, "Cloudlet..." is from an add-on called SearchCloudlet.
* The specific Preference is called "Add links to other web search sites", for Google Web Search, and "Add links to other image/photo/art search sites" for Google Images. And similar things for Google News, Video, and Blogs.
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