A-List - My Annotated Tag Cloud: High-level topics / tags, that are important to me, that are linked to individual documents, on that subject. Sort of like having a personal Wikipedia.About / Overview - My System» At the very core, Web 2.0» has a trait of serendipity. The trick is to manage this serendipity, either mentally and/or physically. Personally, I need to touch and feel things (kinetic learner), so I make it physical, for each subject or topic, using My Template» and tying them together with My Annotated Tag Cloud (A-List»): High-level topics /
tags, that are important to me, that are linked to individual documents, on that subject. Sort of like having a personal Wikipedia.
1. Who is the audience? What is the best means of publishing/Authoring»? (e.g. am I just researching a topic for me? Do I already know the best means of publishing?)
2. Shoud I use passive (Blog post) or active share (Status broadcast with single service or mulitple)? - Ping.fm» and Hellotxt» can send to multiple statuses.
Blogged with the Flock Browser
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