Saturday, June 21, 2008

Google Notebook - "Note This" button is not working!

Despite repeated toggling on/off and setting to enabled, the Google Notebook extension "Note This" button, it is not visible in the context menu. Probably some other extension is blocking it, but which one?
Here are the "" resources in prefs.js:

user_pref("", "Allows notetaking while browsing"); user_pref("", "Google Notebook");

Nevermind. The button is working...

...but I would still like to know where this resource is saved. Note: The "Note This" button used to be in the context menu, and so that is where I was looking for it, but now it is some sort of widget or something that pop-ups an actual clickable "button".

Where is "Note This" toggled on and off, within the Profile files?
Blogged with the Flock Browser

1 comment:

  1. Nevermind. The button is working, but I would still like to know where this resource is saved. Note: The "Note This" button used to be in the context menu, and so that is where I was looking for it, but now it is some sort of widget or something that pop-ups an actual clickable "button".
